Use "was kind to him|be kind to him" in a sentence

1. His deed revealed him to be a kind man.

2. Why did the kind of death Jesus was facing prove to be such an ordeal to him?

3. She thought him kind and generous.

4. He stared up at the gruff old man who was so kind to him.

5. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was a defensive strike, because the gentleman kind of Aggressed toward him like he was going to hit him.

6. He's shooting him some kind of story.

7. I wish you would be so kind as to bear with him a little longer.

8. I kind of let him pick what to do yesterday since today was my Barhop

9. We had to kind of scoot him out of the way.

10. (Mark 10:13-16) Jesus was warm and kind, and others were attracted to him.

11. That kind of jollity was not for him, it never had been and never would be.

12. Kind surgeons have offered to operate on him,[] if only we can get him over here.

13. She insulted him and he responded in kind.

14. "That's most kind of him," Eleanor said tonelessly.

15. I am fond of him, he has been unfailingly kind to me.

16. Lot, however, did not allow their wickedness to cause him to retaliate in kind.

17. • It was Abhorrence of waste of any kind of resource that motivated him

18. He issues this kind of taunt towards this person coming to fight him.

19. A kind gentleman standing nearby takes pity on him and gives him ten rupees.

20. Instead of thanking him for his kind and selfless deed... they sentenced him to twenty long years in prison.

21. 10 It was abhorrence of waste of any kind of resource that motivated him.

22. It was that, blended with a kind of unconvincing desire to please which made people nervous of him.

23. I mean, back then, I was kind of like a fan boy of him.

24. (Matthew 22:37-39) Love of God leads us to want to be the kind of person that pleases him.

25. Peter encouraged Jesus to “be kind” to himself and assured him that he would “not have this destiny at all.”

26. Which is kind of a hassle for him, since he doesn't want to live.

27. What a very kind thing to do; I've been misjudging him all these years.

28. How George counted on his dear kind sisters to befriend him with their father.

29. Little Billy heard him talking to the robin in a kind of curious twitter.

30. He is the everyday down to earth kind of person, I like to cooperate with him.

31. 23 When the little gray man appeared to him, kind Simpleton agreed to share his meal.

32. 29 I had to be cruel to be kind and warn him that he'd lose his job if he didn't improve his performance.

33. It sometimes happened that kind-hearted women turned back to bestow a sou on him.

34. I want him to think of this kind of dictionary as an eight-track tape.

35. Catherine Zeta - Jones joins him as Amelia, a kind flight attendant.

36. The Mayans literally worship him as some kind of a god.

37. Even now the recollection seized him in the abdomen, and a kind of sick longing made him tremble.

38. Attachment of a person with his life objective enables him to cross all kind of hurdles.

39. 15 It sometimes happened that kind-hearted women turned back to bestow a sou on him.

40. “Be kind to yourself, Lord”

41. And I don't know why, but I rather snubbed his kind invitation to go with him to Mumbai.

42. 10 You would wrong him and wrong yourself by equivocation of any kind.

43. Well, being dead kind of rules him out as a murder suspect, right?

44. Guan often said there were some kind of foreordination between him and stones.

45. The local human children sing a kind of eerie little rhyme about him.

46. What kind of person will God accept into close, friendly relationship with him?

47. Is the suicide a kind of disengagement still gives him an evasive view?

48. There: people said this and that about him, but no one knew how sensitive he was, how kind.

49. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind .

50. 19 A kind of peacefulness overcame him as he stared up at the stars.

51. Everyone seemed to her to be amazingly kind.

52. I try to be kind but firm.

53. One was gentle, one was kind One was gentle, one was kind

54. She was always wonderfully kind to me.

55. It appeared she was talking him blue in the face, but Glover had felt a kind of shame about everything.

56. The children stared at him, a kind of insane Affrontery in their faces, as if

57. But this doesn't go very well, and so he ends up going on kind of a rampage until Chihiro saves him, rescues him.

58. Jim was supposed to rescue him, untie him, give him mouth-to-mouth.

59. 🔊 Although he pretended to be Benignant, the seemingly kind wizard was actually

60. Despite her circumstances, Cinderella chooses to be kind.

61. Amable adj kind, nice es usted muy Amable you are very kind si es tan Amable if you would be so kind ser Amable con algn to be kind to sb, be nice to sb ¡qué Amable ha sido usted trayéndolo! how kind of you to bring it! ¡muy Amable! thanks very much, that's very kind, that's very kind of you sea tan Amable (como para), si es tan Amable (como para) (LAm) please be so kind as to

62. I guess I wanted to be kind tonight

63. It appears to be some kind of aphrodisiac.

64. Ther supposed to be some kind of lever that we need to pull so some kind of bridge appeared

65. This is the kind of argument that Clinton loves; it sets him on the middle ground.

66. 25 Right away he felt the strands of a certain kind of nauseated pity touching him.

67. The only way to stop him was to shoot him.

68. Their devotion to him was to be no mere formality.

69. 7 He had to rely on a kind-hearted local butcher who gave him two chickens a week to build up his strength.

70. 29 They had been so kind towards him, so very fond of the prodigal young man.

71. And after I recovered, I said, "I want the kind that used to be the only kind."

72. I was drawn to him and began to love him.”

73. Besought Terrified to see him thus, the child clung to him and Besought him to be calm

74. There was a kind of grudging admiration to be detected in Janet Holloway's tone.

75. As far as his kind, the human kind, was concerned, he was alone.

76. It was reprehensible of him to be so disloyal.

77. It seemed to be me that was comforting him.

78. To be honest, you kind of smell like ash.

79. I put him in a hole and made a kind of a hole that he sits in.

80. To be honest, you kind of smell like ash